Full chemical preparation guide for the eradication of Bed Bugs
4-hour vacancy requirement
Remove all bed coverings
Remove all miscellaneous debris on flooring, underneath beds, in closets, underneath dressers and underneath furnishings.
All clothing from dressers must be removed. clothing must be ran through a 40 min drying cycle, bagged up or put in a tote. Clothing must be stored outside of the residents until the next day.
Throw blankets and any other item on the surfaces of furniture, must be removed.
Fish tanks will need to be protected. All the filtration equipment will need to be turned off, for the duration of the treatment, including the vacancy time.
Pets must me removed for the required time.
When returning to your home. You may notice a slight odor, do not be alarmed. If there is any visible dust on the surfaces of anything. Feel free to clean it up with your vacuum. All the dust used is non-pesticidal and works through dehydration. Finally, you may do any regular cleaning, open windows, turn on any mechanical air-flow system.
Please note we require a 24-hour cancellation notice. Please contact us via phone or email if the need arises, to avoid any fees.
Pro-Tech Pest Services will not be responsible for any damaged items that may occur during treatment. If there are any irreplaceable items in the home, please remove them.

Flea Preparation Guide
Remove all shoes, toys and any other debris off the floor area in the hall and bedroom closets.
Remove any items stored under beds including clothes, toys etc. from bedroom floors. Please note these items may be put on top of beds (if not to excessive.)
Move furniture in all other rooms (where possible) away from the walls approximately (12) inches. Floor clutter throughout the home will generally need to be reduced.
Remove pet food and water bowls from the floor. They can be placed in the sink if empty.
Fish tanks should be covered with a thick blanket. Filtration equipment needs to be turned off entirely.
If a dog or cat is the source of the infestation. They should be taken to a groomer or veterinarian for a professional flea bath. Some type of ongoing treatment for the animal should be administered, by the owner.
All carpeted areas, upholstered furniture and animal beds should be thoroughly vacuumed. This needs to be done within a 24-hour period prior to the treatment. Please discard the vacuum bag immediately.
All persons/animals will need to be vacated for a minimum of 4 hours, during and after the treatment has been completed. Reentry time will be posted on the door in bold print.
Things the be aware of…. non-carpeted surfaces may be slippery but will soon dry. Flea eggs may hatch (45 days) after treatment but will soon die. You may put your home back together after reentry. Vacuuming can be done the next day. All hard-surfaced areas can be cleaned the next day.
Please note we require a 24-hour cancellation notice. Please contact us via phone or email if the need arises, to avoid any fees.
Pro-Tech Pest Services will not be responsible for any damaged items that may occur during treatment. If there are ant irreplaceable items in the home, please remove them.

German Cockroach Preparation Guide
Remove dishes, food and other items from cabinets and cover them with a sheet or towel.
Vacuum any particles or small debris from cabinets.
Sweep/vacuum under the stove and refrigerator and any other appliances
Check under sinks for leaks and notify management/property owner if observed. This step does not apply if you are the homeowner.
All food and other items must be covered with a sheet or towel. If they cannot be adequately covered, please remove.
Vacuum any particles or small debris from shelves and floor.
Make sure pantry flooring is clear of any clutter.
Remove items from inside bathroom vanities and any closets inside bathrooms and cover them with a sheet or towel.
Vacuum any particles or small debris from shelves and floor.
Thoroughly clean all surfaces using a bleach solution.
Check under sinks for leaks and notify management/property owner if observed. This step does not apply if you are the homeowner.
Make sure bathroom flooring is clear of any clutter.
Remove pet dishes and water bowls.
Cover fish tanks with a damp towel and turn off the pump.
People and pets should be out of the residence for a period of 2-4hrs after treatment. You should extend this time if you have increased respiratory or other sensitivity.
German cockroach fact sheets are readily available on the internet, we highly recommend you review/research a German Cockroach fact sheet. This will help aid in preventing German Cockroach infestations in the future.
These steps are an important part of German cockroach treatments and should be followed prior to each service. German cockroaches are extremely difficult to control, so be patient with this process.
DO NOT attempt to treat the infestation on your own. Applying over the counter pesticides can interfere with the process of the pest control operator and lead to over-exposure to pesticides.